Juniperus Blue Ivory feature image

Do not underestimate conifers. They can look scintillating all year. They are also fairly unfussy about conditions. Plus, they create privacy and a windbreak for exposed gardens.

But, here’s a conifer that’s really different to the norm. ‘Blue Ivory’ is aptly named, as it has gracious blue feathery shoots, tipped with ivory splashes! The upright habit gives off a definite Mediterranean vibe, at a fraction of the cost of those flashy pyramid Cypress!


How to grow Juniper ‘Blue Ivory’:

Flowering time: no flowers
Location: Borders, patio pots, tall hedging
Soil: Any well-drained soil
Light: Sun or very light shade
Hardy: Survives down to -30C!
Care: Pruning not required!
Size: 2.5m ( high x 50cm (20″) in spread


Juniperus Blue Ivory

How was this plant created?

Breeder, Arie van Klaveren was used to growing conifers. He has built up years of experience, and his plants are in demand. Strolling around the nursery one day, he saw what looked liked a sprinkling of snow across the usual Juniper crop. However, it wasn’t the right time of year for snow, so Arie was confused!

What Arie could see was variegation! Variegation often gives a cream splash on green foliage, but here it was against blue-green, and looked fantastic! Next, came the risky moment, Arie needed to take a cutting! Thankfully, it rooted and the plant grew as it’s parent, with ivory sprinkled on blue! But, you need to check further, so he grew 100 plants to check if they were all stable in terms of colouring. They were!

Hurrah. Arie had a new plant on his hands!


Juniperus Blue Ivory

What’s different about this plant?

The white tips to the feathered shoots are super unique, but that’s not the only quality this plant boasts. Plants do not fall open, they stay tight, compact and- most importantly- upright! Like all conifers, they are hardy right down to -30C, so offer a great deal of flexibility in borders and containers.


Juniperus Blue Ivory

Where can you plant Juniper ‘Blue Ivory’?

You can plant this Juniper into good, well-drained soil. Bear in mind plants grow to two and a half metres, so make sure you account for that height. But, how elegant they will be! They suit mediterranean style perfectly. At just 50cm wide, plant them closely for a dense hedge. Pruning is minimal, and plants stay shapely throughout their lifetime!


Juniperus Blue Ivory

Where can you buy this plant?

Plants will soon be available in garden centres and by mail order across Europe.

Plant of the Month is sponsored by Plantipp, a company based in The Netherlands who handle the introduction of new plants into Europe (with Concept Plants doing the same job in North America).

See every Plant of the Month here.

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