Pothos - Devil's Ivy - feature image

Epipremnum, better known as Pothos or Devil’s Ivy, is a blessing for those who live in a home with limited natural light. This plant is almost impossible to kill and stays green even when kept in the dark.


How to grow Epipremnum

Flowering time: Pothos plants don’t tend to flower when grown as a houseplant. But, in the wild these plants regularly produce flower stalks together with a cream spathe marked with purple surrounding the spadix. Not too dissimilar to the flower you see on a Peace Lily.

Location: Pothos can either grow as a trailing plant, or on a moss pole. When grown on a pole, they remain compact in width, making them ideal for small rooms that need a bit of greenery to cheer them up. Or left hanging they look great on shelves or in Macrame hangers. Place in any room as they will adapt to the environment.

Soil: Plant pothos in a general well-draining potting mix. Soil mixed with perlite is great. Perlite refers to volcanic glass heated to 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s mainly used alongside the soil to make an excellent medium for a free-draining potting compost. It promotes good drainage for plants, like pothos.

Light: Place pothos in bright, indirect light. They will tolerate low light but this will stunt their growth. These do well in artificial light too.

Care: Pruning will encourage bushier growth and their leaves will benefit from a regular dust too. Use a sharp pair of scissors to prune pothos and make a cut below the node. Prune closer to the crown if you intend a bushy growth. This pruning tactic helps create shorter stems where the new pothos leaves will grow. On the other hand, you can shorten a long vine by pruning it off wherever you desire.

Water: Only water when the soil feels dry to touch. If the leaves turn yellow, this is a sign they have been overwatered.


Pothos (also called Devil’s Ivy) is a tropical vine plant that has adapted well as a hardy houseplant. It has shiny, heart-shaped leaves and comes in a number of natural and cultivated varieties to add interesting foliage to your home.

When Pothos first made its way into the hands of botanists they had collected small, juvenile leaves. They were classed in 1880 as Pothos aureus. In 1908, the group of plants was reclassified as Scindapsus. But you’ll be forgiven for being even more confused as in 1964 they were reclassified again as Epipremnum. This is why you sometimes see these plants under the botanical name of Epipremnum and other times as Scindapsus.


Pothos - Devil's Ivy


While we’re talking names, common names for the Pothos include:

  • Ceylon creeper
  • Hunter’s robe
  • Ivy arum
  • Money plant
  • Solomon Islands ivy
  • Taro vine
  • Devil’s Ivy

There are numerous varieties of Pothos, which include:

  • Golden Pothos
  • Marble Queen Pothos
  • Jessenia Pothos
  • Manjula Pothos
  • Pearls and Jade Pothos

…To name just a few!

Having pothos in the home can help reduce air contaminants and airborne mold that can trigger asthma, allergies, and other respiratory problems. It can significantly help improve a home’s indoor air quality and health.

Moreover, pothos is considered a lucky plant, especially in Asian countries. Many people believe that they bring money and fortune to homes and offices.

Pothos featured in NASA’s Clean Air Study, and was proven to remove indoor pollutants such as formaldehyde, trichloroethene, toluene, xylene, and benzene. Many of these are found in common cleaning products we use in our homes.

If you fancy trying something a little fancier, Pothos has been found to grow well in a hydroponic setting. With many people also using the plant for aquaponics.*

There are some great examples of the plant being placed on top of the aquarium and allowed to grow roots in the water. This is beneficial to the plant and the aquarium as it absorbs many nitrates and uses them for growth. This helps to keep an aquariums water clean.

What’s different about this plant?


Pothos - Devil's Ivy


Pothos is a great plant whether you’re a beginner or an avid plant keeper.

You can place a pothos plant in a regular pot, hang it, or let it climb on a moss pole. Putting it on a craft pot basket is also a good idea. When hanging pothos, you can use a lightweight plastic pot for an easier task. The moss pole pothos growing method is suitable for those who are attentive in watering and has limited space.   

The varieties of the species and their leaf variegation offer unusual foliage in the home, with some varieties being sought after. New varieties are being cultivated by growers which keeps the species interesting. The wide range of plants available in this species means it is a great plant to ‘collect’.

Pothos Devil’s Ivy Plants are easy-to-propagate houseplants in a simple hydroponic setting. Cut a stem below a leaf node, giving you 2-3 leaves. Place this in a glass vase and allow the stems to shoot tiny roots. The stem can survive in water for weeks until you shift it to a pot.

Looking after Pothos is easy and they are very robust as a houseplant. This makes them very affordable. They’re relatively quick to grow, and larger examples of the plant are readily available for instant impact in any room of the home.

“Pothos is a great houseplant for busy urban dwellers who often do not have the benefit of much natural light. They do need some TLC, but it’s certainly manageable,” comments Ruban Selvanayagam of Property Solvers (house buyers).

Where you can get hold of a Epipremnum?


Pothos - Devil's Ivy


Epipremnum / Pothos / Devil’s Ivy are easy to come by. Many DIY stores and Supermarkets stock these. Or, several varieties of the species can be purchased from www.prettycactus.co.uk to be delivered direct to your door.

*The difference between hydroponics and aquaponics is that aquaponics uses fish to provide nutrients, and hydroponics uses formulated solutions.

about Pretty Cactus

Donna - Pretty Cactus


Pretty Cactus is run by Donna and her lovely team from the shop in Brooke, South Norfolk.

Donna started the business in 2018, growing a passion into a business. Donna has always been a plant lover, spending hours in the garden centre and DIY stores picking up sad and reduced plants – nursing them back to health. The homegrown plants were sold at country fayres and craft markets. Before long, Donna was so busy she decided to give up her corporate job and run Pretty Cactus as a full-time venture. Opening her very first shop and website to sell online.

Donna now works with a team of growers and distributors in the UK and Holland to source plants, trying, where possible to get hold of more unusual cacti, succulents, and houseplants.

Donna and the Pretty Cactus team are always looking for new ways to style plants. Displaying these ideas in the shop and on Social Media. The Pretty Cactus shop has become an inspirational hub for plant lovers near and far who love to visit the store for ideas, plants, pots, and a bit of friendly plant chat too.



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