If you’re struggling to find a summer-flowering plant for a shady corner, then let me remind you about the dangling beauty of Fuchsias! Everyone knows someone that has grown a Fuchsia, such is their popularity up and down the UK. However they’re usually just pink and bushy. But, perhaps you’ll allow me to blow your flowery mind with Fuchsias the size of your hand, Fuchsias you can eat, and more.. (And, to buy them, just click on the picture!)

ONE. Fuchsia ‘Mr Blue Sky’. Let’s start off with a Fuchsia that can trail almost 2 feet down, those stems dripping with denim-blue flowers. One of my own marketing creations, ‘Mr Blue Sky’ is popular because the flowers are almost true blue, a colour almost as fabled in flowers as black! The blooms fade to mauve in a really beautiful way too, giving the effect of 2 colours on the plant at the same time!

Fuchsia 'Mr Blue Sky'

Fuchsia ‘Mr Blue Sky’








TWO. Fuchsia Berry. Fuchsia berries have always been edible, although it seemed to be one of the gardening world’s best kept secrets. In fact, some gossip used to suggest they were poisonous. But, this was not so. They just didn’t taste that good! However, Thompson & Morgan managed to selected and cross-hybridize a whole bunch of varieties in order to create a sweeter, smooth textured Fuchsia berry! You’ll never find these in the supermarkets, but they’re worth growing a patch of. Berries are suitable for eating fresh and pack a mini dose of Vitamin C too!

The Fuchsia Berry!

The Fuchsia Berry!








THREE. Fuchsia ‘Princess Charlotte’. Whilst Fuchsias are super gorgeous, they can sometimes be a bit shy! The glamorous blooms often dangle down amongst the foliage, meaning you can’t always appreciate their full beauty! ‘Princess Charlotte’ has solved this problem by giving blooms that face upwards and outward, and are never hidden. Lovely, frosted pink flowers clothe the rounded, basketball-shaped plants throughout the summer, and the plants are hardy too!

Fuchsia 'Princess Charlotte'

Fuchsia ‘Princess Charlotte’








FOUR. Fuchsia  magellanica ‘Lady Bacon’. Fuchsias can be used for hedging too, and in fact they perform pretty well in coastal and exposed positions too. ‘Lady Bacon’ is hands-down the most beautiful of the magellanica types, which have much smaller leaves and very delicate blooms. Some even say the flowers of this variety look like bacon, but that isn’t actually why it got such a name..!

Fuchsia 'Lady Bacon'

Fuchsia ‘Lady Bacon’








FIVE. Fuchsia ‘Giants’. At the top of the Fuchsia family tree, we have the GIANTS! The flowers, no word of a lie, are the size of your hand. Flamboyant, frilly, colourful- they are everything that a good Fuchsia should be! Remarkably easy to grow and most suited to hanging containers, the summer display these plants can provide is simply jaw-dropping. They’ll love an awkward shady corner too, so don’t leave ugly fences, sheds and garage without some colourful dressing!

But, don’t forget ‘Icing Sugar’- read more about it here!

...ageing neatly to pink

…ageing neatly to pink



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